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What does it take for one to earn love/attention from another? Does one have to dress, speak, or act a certain way?

Kingdoms Hierarchy. What is it? Exactly what it sounds like. I think a lot of the time we can easily categorize people in the world. Hard truth. Nothing is different for us called “Christians.” We like to see/treat people higher and treat some lower than others. Does spiritual maturity qualify someone more than someone who still drinks milk? What is it that someone must do to be noticed and/or loved? To be chosen first. To be pursued. 

The answer is NOTHING. At least it should be.

Jesus came and showed us perfect love by dying on the cross. Christ is the definition of love. In 1 John, the bible talks about love without God ceasing. We do not know God if we do not love. The love of the Father is not earned, it’s undeserved: freely given. 

So… if we say we love God why do we cling to the response of leaving people outside the “circle.” Allow people to go unnoticed. Favor some more than others. We allow social status to hinder us from giving the full extent of God’s love. How is it that we can extend love to a stranger on the street? Why do we go above and beyond to welcome a new member to the church but leave the quiet “weird” person in the back of our youth group who’s been attending for months out? Why is it that we can come out to the nations and preach the gospel but we ignore our next door neighbor?

Kingdom hierarchy is SO real but we all live ignorant of it. It’s easier to close your circle to those you feel comfortable with, those you share similarities with. I encourage you to invite THAT person to coffee. Bring them into conversations. We don’t have to fly overseas to show the love of God. There are people in arms reach who are in desperate need of someone simply choosing them. Someone who needs YOU to pursue them first for once. 

To the one on the outside:

Dear friend, you were made to be intentional with others around you. Believe it or not, you are part of the solution. I understand what it feels like to be the last chosen for anything, uninvited, overlooked, and even ignored. I know the feeling of exhaustion of always making an effort. I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone. Do something bold. Make the first move. Be vulnerable even when others can’t. Show people how much love you have to offer. Spread the Father’s love. His love is far greater than the one man has to offer.